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2019 has been another significant year in JDRF Australia’s continued evolution and growth. The year began with one of our most significant milestones – through the efforts of JDRF advocates, T1D research received a bipartisan commitment to support breakthroughs over the next 5 years. This funding will be directed towards T1D research and also ensure that the Australian Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Research Network (CRN) can continue to support world class Australian research to cure, prevent and treat T1D. The bipartisan commitment of $54.5m from the Coalition and $50m from the Labor Party was a shining example of JDRF’s global connections, delivery through CRN II and ability to outline to stakeholders and government the value of research. Across the country, in every federal electorate, the type one community told their story of why research holds the key to a world without type 1 diabetes – and the government listened.

While research is valuable to unlocking a future without type 1 diabetes, 2019 also brought about another important change to managing this condition today. The $100m extension of the Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) program means more Australians can gain access to this life-changing technology. Not only does this program display the impact of diabetes organisations working together for a shared outcome our measurement of the program will also help us understand its impact. Additionally, the globally unique ENDIA (Environmental Determinants of Islet Autoimmunity) study continues to highlight the impact Australian researchers are having; not just here but globally in unlocking the mysteries of what causes T1D.

Measuring and understanding our impact is a vital component of delivering for the community we exist to serve - those living with and affected by type 1 diabetes. This report looks to describe that impact in 2019 in research, advocacy and fundraising. I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank the staff, volunteers, supporters and board of JDRF Australia for their stellar achievements. In particular, I would like to offer my congratulations to Rebecca Davies, who has provided an incredible 22 years of service to the JDRF Australia board, and wish her well for her future endeavours.

Thank you all again for your support and I look forward to continuing to work together to deliver on our vision of a world without type 1 diabetes.

CEO Headshot- Mike Wilson

Mike Wilson OAM,
CEO and Managing Director, JDRF Australia.